Triple Clicks

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Make Money Blogging: Attempt #3

Yeah, I just can't seem to leave this idea alone. Making money with my own blog would be totally awesome. My latest gig is freelance article writing, and before that website owning and list building. You'd think I would have stopped once I realized I could make money with surveys, but I just don't like how uncontrollable they are. It's completely unpredictable whether I'll get long or short surveys or whether I'll qualify. Sure, I could spend all day at it and count on making at least some money... but writing is what I love. I want to be able to write an article and know people will read it and like it and know that I'll earn something from it.

Here's a summary of my monetary blogging attempts:

1. Last May. That's how this got started. I read a handbook that guaranteed that I would be making money blogging within thirty days, so I followed it as closely as possible. I got tons of views, kicked out of a Reddit section for "blog-spamming"--which I totally didn't intend!--and really turned off some people with some Bidvertiser ads that were way out of hand. And guess what? I actually did make money by the end of it. It just wasn't coming from the blog. It was coming from things I had decided on while writing the blog, often ideas and inspirations that I decided to explore. So I left the blog and happily settled down with Survey Money Machine.

2. Sometime last summer or so. I heard about companies that pay you to review products on your blog. I do lots of reviewing here, so I thought it sounded like a good deal. I signed up with a bunch of companies... and none got back to me.

3. A repeat of #2, but hopefully with a better outcome? Also maybe some more of #1's experimentation (sorry if some of it backfires!)

So here's a code I need to verify myself to one site:

I'll be back soon... maybe...

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