Triple Clicks

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 22: A Hundred Dollars? Per Click?

I cringe when I think about how much I've been neglecting this blog. Views have been dropping too, and it's no wonder. The content isn't as fresh as it was a few weeks ago, the posts have gotten lazier and possibly less helpful to others, and I'm only writing one post a day now instead of three. And I'll confess--I've considered dropping this altogether. I've gotten so busy, and a certain number of my projects have been so promising, that I feel this log is no longer needed--its original purpose of making me money is completely obsolete, and I have a solid plan now that I'm following.

But I had decided to keep this up for thirty days, and so I figure I won't stop so close to finishing--in a little over a week I'll be all done with this, as far as my commitment goes, and I can focus on my wedding and my actual earning money instead of this study.

I mentioned yesterday that I've been making so much money that I wouldn't bother telling you because you wouldn't believe it. I'll tell you a little bit about it now, but first I want to mention a few things:

  • I fully realize the following and programs like it could well be a total scam. I have invested no money into it and, for the most part, expect to receive no money in return.
  • Yes, there are strings attached. Payouts take a suspiciously long time (thirty to ninety days after the request, or a "reasonable" amount of time after).
  • I'm not putting all of my eggs in this basket, tempting though it is. I'm keeping up with Clixsense and Neobux, programs that I know and trust, at the same time.
I found some ridiculously good PTCs. Ridiculously! The lowest on the list pays ten cents per click, and the highest? How does $200 sound? Per click? Yeah, I'm suspicious too. But these programs were all free to join. The big hangup is that even though you could make several thousand dollars in a day, you'll be lucky to earn enough to cash out within the next month. So, unless a flock of you join up under my referral and start clicking on ads like mad, I won't have a check by any of these companies by the time I finish this blog--though, if such a check ever does come, I'll be sure to tell you and probably also show a proof.

Today, when I decided once again to look for a good data entry job, I found more--only with these sites, you could earn up to $1000 per click! What's the deal? (Well, part of it is that you have to earn over two million dollars before cashing out, in which case the money's as good as nonexistent.)

I'm still working it out, but if so much as one of these programs is NOT a scam... I could well have a six figure income as of next month. That would be nice. And, as I've joined a lot of these, hopefully at least one will pay out before I get married. Needless to say, all I care about is getting one hundred dollars a week by the beginning of August. And I'm looking at all the options. And this if one of these is legit, well, I've got it made.

Please follow me on Twitter for more tips and updates, or join me on Clixsense if you want to start making your own online cash. If your curious about joining a site like the ones I've mentioned above, Mail Cash 24 is one of my favorites so far. Good luck!

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