Triple Clicks

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 24: Risk Taking

I took a risk today. I bought something that was six dollars on the pretense that it would pay itself off.

Well, I couldn't resist. I was very curious about the whole e-mail processing thing, and even though I can see right through the scams (most of them, at least) there were a couple opportunities that seemed like they might be legitimate, so I figured, why not? The condition that I set for myself was that I would spend no more than $10 for it--almost everything out there costs at least $15 to get started, suspiciously identical to the cost you get per e-mail. The site that I decided to try out was only $6 and appeared to be different--not an MLM scheme or a pyramid format at all. I bought the system and then downloaded and read through the manual, hoping the money would be rolling in by the end of the day.

I can safely say that what I bought was not what I was expecting. It was well worth the $6 I spent on it, I think, but it's not the guaranteed moneymaker it claimed to be. It provided some fabulous e-mail marketing ideas and a long list of ad sites to explore, along with pre-written messages. The catch? You have to sell something... and it's up to you to figure out what. While at first it sounds great--"you can choose which companies to write for and then it's easy!"--the only options they list are for online affiliate programs. There's no product, no guaranteed business at all, no assignments... just a nice marketing scheme.

So now what? I'm obviously frustrated at how incomplete the system is, but at least it isn't a pyramid scheme where I just get people to "purchase" info on how to do exactly what I'm doing. I'm trying to decide what to sell. Affiliate links are the best I can find. I have several PTCs to promote, and I joined one of the recommended sites. I'm trying it out, and we'll see if it works.

More positive news today is about one of the huge PTCs that pays a hundred dollars or so a click, Richgo PTR. Minimum payout for basic members is $10,000, and I'm already past $6,000! This is for sure one of the fastest moving PTCs I've found. If the payout is fast as well, then I'll have it made!

It really is amazing to see things picking up speed now, and I can't wait to see how it all goes over! Please follow me on Twitter for more tips and updates, and check out Clixsense--and Richgo!--to start making money on your own!

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